This could be inside or outside the network perimeter of an organisation.
The zero trust model does not implicitly trust anything without authentication and verification before providing access. However, this is possible only with continuous improvements after validating the cloud security controls through exercises such as penetration testing, security reviews and risk remediations on an ongoing basis. Security teams follow a proactive approach to security ensuring they are on top of the cloud security threats. It could be remote staff using their own workstations, it could be mobile workforce using office issued devices or similar mechanism. With the modern perimeter fewer networks, organisations need to provide secure access to staff on multiple systems and in multiple scenarios.

What it means is that security teams need to be ready to provide safe and secure access for users irrespective of their location and device. With changing landscape in technology, especially with new additions of more cloud computing, mobile and agile software, we can’t be limited to traditional ways of using devices and services. This article will provide you with insights into what it means to be “BeyondCorp,” how Google’s approach differs from traditional network models, and why it has become so popular among BeyondCorp enterprise customers looking to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud. It was built as an extension of the BeyondCorp principles first introduced by Google in 2012, which provided a blueprint for how large companies could deploy their resources securely and reliably without putting any critical data or workloads on corporate untrusted networks.

Google BeyondCorp is a security model that uses Google zero trust architecture to help organizations build highly secure environments.